Monday, June 29, 2009

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence says:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident"
That means they're clear for all to see
"that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator"
That means God gave them that equality for free
"with certain unalienable rights"
Which means they can't be taken away
"among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"
That's what the Declaration of Independence does say!

And that's not all it says. It continues

"To secure these rights, Governments are instituted"
A fancy way of saying that they are begun
"deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
Their power's based on the agreement of everyone
"And when they become destructive of these ends, "
When the government fails its citizens
"it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it"
The people can just get together and demolish it

That's what the Declaration of Independence says!

Now think for a moment about what this means
It means you're not beholden to kings or queens
When it's time to choose a government, you get your say
Because the people have the power in the USA

Thanks to the Declaration of Independence!

by Tom Meltzer ©The Princeton Review

Hemi, Semi, and Demi

Hemi, semi, and demi
Three prefixes that all mean "half"
Do we really need three? If you ask me
It's a halfway interesting mystery

A hemisphere is half a sphere
Think of half the globe
A semicircle is half a circle
Like the bottom half of your earlobe

Semiformal means "kind of formal"
You can dress to half the nines
A demigod is a lesser god
One parent is human and one divine

Semiannual means every six months
Six months is half a year
A demitasse is a half a cup
When you only need half as much liquid cheer

Hemi, semi, and demi
Three prefixes that all mean "half"
Do we really need three? Don't ask me!
All I'm going to do is shrug and laugh

by Tom Meltzer ©The Princeton Review

Monday, June 1, 2009

You're So Immature

You're so immature
You're so silly and naive
Here are words that say how sure
I am that you're immature

You're callow
You're young and lack experience
Your smile
Is juvenile
You laugh at things that make no sense
(because you're such a baby)

I must croon
You're jejune
Like a little child you have no clue
I'm sure you'll
Be puerile
'Til long after this song is through

You're so immature
You're so silly and naive
I've sung some words that say how sure
I am that you're immature

by Tom Meltzer ©The Princeton Review